A Motivational Diet Plan by Don Paul Henderson



For People Who Don’t Know Where to Start

Learn Why Other Diet Plans Failed You

Fast, Permanent, Safe and Healthy Results

This is the Information You Haven’t Been Told

Are you struggling to lose weight?  Does it feel like you are putting in serious effort, dieting and denying yourself yet fat remains?  Or you’re possibly gaining weight while denying yourself – dieting most of the time only slipping “now and then?”  And yet you can’t lose this weight.  Why?  What is the secret?  You swear you’ve been avoiding fattening foods – most of the time struggling to avoid them yet you are still overweight. 
What’s going on???

Diet Motivation Secrets tells you what’s going on – why often serious diet effort results in little or no weight loss and sometimes even weight gain.  Diet Motivation Secrets is the secret to losing weight; the only book you’ll ever need to lose weight and keep it off permanently.  This book also works with other diet books because it specifically addresses the one component many diet books are missing:  motivation.  Without motivation, no exercise product or new diet program will work no matter how effective they are because without motivation you just won’t care.  When you see ads for diet products and programs on television that say “Results Not Typical” those dieters lost weight because they added concepts from this book with the program or product whether they were aware of it or not.  Diet Motivation Secrets will make your weight loss “very typical.”

Where Do I Start?

Confused about where to start ?  What is the first thing to do  to begin losing weight?  What is the second thing to do , and the third and so on?  “How will I know if I’m making progress and how long will it take?”  Diet Motivation Secrets gives you precise step-by-step actions and a specific formula that shows progress – major progress – from the first day on.  Well before you see results in the mirror, this book lays out a system that shows you making progress every day.  Being able to see daily results is the key to losing weight.   Too many weight loss programs provide the right structure but no motivation in the form of daily visual progress.  The revolutionary system in this book shows you four levels of results with your accomplishments every day from day one.  This affects your progress the next day and the next and so on.  Diet Motivation Secrets addresses all aspects of your life related to successful dieting and motivates you at a deep level with continuous visual inspiration  along the way.

Yo-Yo Dieting and How Other Diet Plans Failed You

Did you ever diet, lose a little weight, then slip and give up?  How many times?  Do you go up and down in weight because you seem to be always struggling to lose it yet it never seems to stay off?  Yo-yo dieting is common among dieters and represents the constant daily struggle many people put themselves through.  It doesn’t have to be that way.  The difference between a somewhat overweight person struggling on a yo-yo treadmill and a successful newly thin person represents no difference in effort?  In fact, the system in this book is easier than the diet programs you’ve been using because motivation makes dieting easy! 

Losing Weight is Easy

That’s right — losing weight is easy!  Don’t believe it?  It’s difficult for you to believe those words because you are reading this book and therefore probably have some amount of weight to lose or know someone that does.  But it’s true, losing weight is easy when you match the outer and inner environments, patterns and thought processes of healthy thin people to your life.  Diet Motivation Secrets programs these into you at a deep subconscious level.  Then, much of the effort you spent dieting in the past becomes second nature and a permanent part of what you do every day without trying.  Diet Motivation Secrets will permanently change your life!

Do you think that thin people feel left out or deprived; that they are missing out on pleasure or enjoyment of fattening food?  They’re not.  Thin people enjoy a richer life experience because they are more mobile, feel better and are generally healthier than most overweight people.  Ask any long term thin person and they’ll tell you they don’t struggle to stay thin. The deeply subconscious psychology of thin people  however is vastly different from those that are overweight.  I know ... I’ve been both several times.  Diet Motivation Secrets teaches both your conscious mind  and your subconscious the correct, secret information to take weight off and keep it off permanently and easily.  Read this book and prove to yourself that being thin is just as easy as remaining overweight!

Eliminate the Need for Will Power

Diet Motivation Secrets is a framework of secret techniques and clear guidelines to lose weight without the need for will power.  This book will show you how to be a thin person almost without effort!  When you use the secrets in this book with the guidelines for exactly what to do on a daily basis, your mind will drastically change how it perceives dieting.  You’ll continuously see results, lose weight and do so almost effortlessly.  These effective guidelines assure you will become thin – 100% guaranteed!  Embrace the simple guidelines in this book, use them all together as clearly instructed, and gain weight.  Impossible!  If you feel you have no will power, this book will show you how to give yourself more will power than you ever thought you had.  You’ll be able to diet day after day, happily, without feeling deprived and without ever cheating!

Become Invincible

Do you get pressured in specific situations and from certain people to eat fattening foods?  Do you feel pressure to eat fattening foods when in restaurants or out with friends?  How do you manage tempting situations seemingly beyond your control such as people that bring fattening foods to work?  How can you diet in social situations and remain respectful?  Diet Motivation Secrets tells you how successful dieters become and remain thin with specific strategies and secret information you can use to not only stay on your diet but to leverage these situations to your dieting advantage.

What about that candy machine at work, or that fast food restaurant on the way home, or the little store a half block away?  How do you deal with the hundreds of potential temptations that are all around you where you live and work?  Diet Motivation Secrets explains the physical part or “system” of your body that doesn’t care about your emotions, your feelings or whether you “deserve” a treat here and there.  This book will show you precisely what’s happening to your body – how your body is really two separate systems one of which doesn’t know or care that you got fired  or broke up  with a spouse or had a flat tire and binge ate  “just this once.”

You’ll learn time-tested methods that remove the need for will power and build an armor of protection against temptation around you so cheating becomes many times less likely.  The psychological re-programming in Diet Motivation Secrets will truly make you invincible to the most tempting situations!

Diet For Free

The information in this book is what companies that make diet products don’t want you to know. Losing weight doesn’t cost money – any money.Diet Motivation Secrets explains what to avoid buying yet shows you how to lose weight more efficiently  than using most diet programs or expensive contraptions.  Corporations creating fattening taste engineered foods  do it for money.  On the weight loss side – diet companies  exist to sell products to make money also.  This book shows you the secret mental and physical methods that will allow you to lose weight in the most healthy and safe way without any diet products and without costing a dime.

Hundreds of diet companies marketing thousands of products all scream about how well their program or contraption works.  Few of them work and all of them cost too much.  Your great-great-grandfather was likely not fat, and in his world none of those products existed.  This book explains how to effectively lose weight in any time period – now, past or future.  If you’re human, this book will show you the absolute secret to becoming thin.

Methods and reasons to not buy most if not all the diet pills, contraptions and expensive diet programs aggressively marketed today are explained.  This aspect alone can save you thousands of dollars.  The advice in this book tells you how to lose weight without cost, without gym memberships, without infomercial contraptions, dangerous pills or special equipment.  Diet Motivation Secrets has dozens of secrets all based on facts about the human body that have always existed.  It is not a “black hat” way to cheat the weight loss process nor is it a dangerous way to lose weight that has not stood the test of time.  Diet Motivation Secrets shows you step by step what to do and most people can do all steps without spending any money.  In fact, Diet Motivation Secrets will save you money, a lot of money if you are extremely far off track with your food choices and eating habits.  You can believe the information in this book because:

 — Diet Motivation Secrets shows you how to diet in the most effective manner humanly possible without spending money, and;

 — No matter which diet plan you choose – this one or any other – if you successfully lose weight on any of them you will have used the time tested principles in this book.

What to Eat

Diet Motivation Secrets explains how to decide between restaurant food and foods in the grocery store with exact precision. Many diet plans contain page after page of recipes – which is a good thing – you can never go wrong using recipes from diet plans that are known to work.  However Diet Motivation Secrets shows you a way to eat that is so clear, understandable and correct that few recipes exist in this book; it is not a book about recipes but about the foods that go in those recipes and strong reasons why to choose certain foods over others.  When you lose weight using the secrets in this book, the foods you choose will make sense and you will never wonder what you are going to eat.  You’ll never have to do “restaurant calorie math” assuming you can get accurate nutrition facts in restaurants.  Diet Motivation Secrets takes the guesswork out of what to eat.

Some modern weight loss programs claim that the overweight dieter should drastically reduce carbohydrates to lose weight.  Although these low or zero carbohydrate diets have been shown to be effective, they’re dangerous, unnatural to the human body, unhealthy and can cause nausea, fatigue or much worse if done to the extreme.  Carbohydrates act as a catalyst to carry oxygen into the blood needed for brain and bodily functions.  Oxygen-starved blood can cause extreme illness and even death.  Cutting carbohydrates is not as effective as the time-tested techniques and secrets in this book and is much more difficult and uncomfortable to tolerate.

Simplify Dieting

Do other diet plans confuse you because they require you to keep track of calories, carbohydrates, fats or other information?  As with anything in life, over-complicating tasks often decreases the likelihood we’ll do them.  The more effort required the higher the likelihood we won’t stick with a task.  Diet Motivation Secrets is a set of guiding principles that are simple, and once learned, can be applied without calculations or complication.  This way, once you know the powerful yet simple secrets in this book you’ll keep doing them.  With so many food options and diet companies competing for your money it’s easy to make food choice mistakes.  Once you start living by the principles in Diet Motivation Secrets, you’ll become a thin person and you’ll naturally stay thin without effort.

Never Be Hungry

Have you caught yourself late at night starving and eating the only fattening food left in the house?  Have you forgotten to eat during an extremely stressful day and found yourself going through the line at a fast food restaurant almost without a second thought?  Is some restaurant or take-out food the first thing you eat when you’re hungry and your refrigerator is empty?  Do you believe in “comfort food” after an argument or when dealing with challenging life situations?

These all describe the same thing:  cheating.  Cheating justified by the fact that you’re hungry now.  But they’re all different emotional circumstances.  You may think eating healthy in the above situations is difficult, but it’s not.  Avoiding cheating in these and other stressful or seemingly difficult circumstances is easy once you know what to do and why.  Diet Motivation Secrets takes you through the toughest example cheating situations, motivating you by explaining the role emotions have in your dieting efforts.  Diet Motivation Secrets explains the easiest ways to not cheat giving you “Not Cheating Muscle.”

Do you think part of dieting and losing weight is to stop eating or “eat a lot less?”  Nothing could be further from the truth!  The way to lose weight is to eat!  Any diet plan that recommends eating less food is incorrect and should not be followed.  Diet Motivation Secrets will show you how to eat a lot and what to eat when major hunger attacks begin.  The mix of products in grocery stores is a “land mine” of fattening food.  On the other hand, today there are a few new and special food products that you can use to aid weight loss efforts more than ever before.  Diet Motivation Secrets shows you these special products and how to easily and quickly sort out all the product confusion and never be hungry.

The Most Effective Way to Work Out

Do you think you would have to work out for inhuman lengths of time to become thin?  Do you believe it will take too much time and effort?  Maybe you’re thinking you’ve passed a “tipping point” – having gained so much weight that the amount of exercise needed would be too much?

Do you have memories of starting an exercise program or making a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, then quitting because it was too hard?  Or perhaps you exercised but it seemed to add more struggle without results?  Or you didn’t make progress fast enough so you quit?  If you are not working out now, and if you don’t see how working out is ever going to take “all this weight” off, Diet Motivation Secrets shows you how, and how to do it the fastest and safest way at the same time. Diet Motivation Secrets explains the exercise psychology that exists in the minds of thin people and shows you how to not skip daily exercise.

Many fitness “experts” suggest working out for long periods of time on contraptions in a gym.  This makes working out confusing, time consuming, hard to stick to and hard work.  Plus, this puts you in a gym with many in-shape people which can be embarrassing.  Working out doesn’t have to be difficult and it does NOT require a gym.  Diet Motivation Secrets shows you how to work out using the most effective methods on earth.  You’ll lose weight no matter what your current condition.  By leveraging fundamental guidelines simultaneously this book will show you a way to get just enough exercise to make weight loss happen quickly in a very detailed yet simple plan anyone can follow.

Stop Struggling to Lose Weight

After you workout do you then feel you deserve a treat?  Of course since you just worked out hard and burned calories a treat won’t hurt, right?

Or, have you ever accidently skipped eating all day then ate a lot to make up for it?  In other words, have you ever become extremely hungry over many hours then thought you could eat anything and not gain weight?

If you answered ‘yes’ to the above questions, you’re not alone.  Most people trying to lose weight think this way but your body works very differently from this thinking.  While seemingly innocent and you “don’t do them very often,” these behaviors may seem harmless but they’re not.  Below your neck, your body has a “mind” of its own and to lose weight your brain needs to know the fundamental secrets of human weight loss to reshape your body.  Diet Motivation Secrets will show you how these seemingly harmless cheating episodes keep you struggling and why.  Diet Motivation Secrets will show you the very different “world” inside your body that is constantly processing food in the same way no matter how you feel or what life hands you.

What happens when you cheat?  How do you feel? Chances are you feel bad – you experience some form of negative emotions related to cheating like depression, anger, hopelessness, lower self-esteem, sadness and on and on.

How long does eating fattening food take? Out of the 1,440 minutes in a 24 hour period, how many of those minutes are actually spent in the act of eating fattening food, even if you eat a lot? Typically the time you spend in the act of tasting is a fraction of the total time you are alive, but of course you will be conscious, awake, thinking and chattering to yourself in your head at least 960 minutes a day if you average 8 hours sleep.  960 minutes.  Minus the small amount of time actually spent eating.  That’s a lot of time to have negative feelings about yourself.

Now, how do you feel when you’ve been sticking to a diet? Or, how do feel when you’ve been exercising? Chances are this feeling is very different. It’s a general sense of confidence, hope for a happier life, and motivation to continue. Most importantly, you spend much less time even thinking about your weight at all when you’re making progress.  This gives your life more time and more joy.

Cheating on a diet creates negative emotions and feelings called Replacement Emotions.  These are emotions and feelings that exist only because of being overweight.  Diet Motivation Secrets explains the extreme costs to your life in terms of happiness, and trains you to see the impact on your social life, work life, confidence, hope, relationships, time and dozens more life situations not covered in other diet books and programs.

Every chapter in Diet Motivation Secrets is designed to guide you correctly through exactly what to do to lose weight in any circumstance.  Quit struggling!  This book shows you how.  Diet Motivation Secrets confronts more than just what you put in your mouth – it addresses everything that affects your weight control (or loss of control) in your life.  This book reveals the secrets that help you manage your emotions and how to deal with social situations and family members or roommates.  Your weight is the product of many aspects of your life, not just food.

Diet Motivation Secrets is a clear roadmap of what to do that will make the task of losing weight:

·         as easy as possible

·         take as little effort on your part as possible

·         be as quick and efficient as possible

·         be as effective and long-lasting as possible

·         be as healthy as possible

·         be as inexpensive as possible

Because Diet Motivation Secrets covers all aspects of your life that affect your weight, your chances of success are unmatched by any other weight loss program or method in existence, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE! 

Listen, I know you’re sick of being fat.  I was.  Being fat made me angry and all I wanted to know was how to lose it.  “Just give me the information – whatever it is – and I will do it” I constantly thought.  When I couldn’t find that information – I couldn’t find the secret to being thin – I wrote this book.  I was the fattest kid in a High School of over 1,000 students.  Then I went on to win three bodybuilding titles.  Then I got fat again, lost it, and in the process figured out how to motivate myself to become thin the correct way.  Diet Motivation Secrets shows you how to paint a picture of a new you inside your mind and how to make that image a reality.  This book is the secret to losing weight.  If you’ve ever looked at yourself and wondered what is the way to lose weight this book is the secret you’ve been looking for.  Nothing works to be a thin person except these concepts.  This is the diet plan that will show you how to easily become thin for life!

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